Anything Astronomy and Astrophotography
Here is a look at the capture of some of the images I took from late 2022 around opposition of Mars which was officially Dec 2, 2022. Earth was nowhere near as close to Mars as it was in 2020,…
In this video I walk you through the steps I take with my equipment from capturing to processing Jupiter. See my Latest Jupiter Images video for a deeper look at the equipment used and other final results. Feel free to…
Here is the summary video from the latest images I acquired in late 2022. Jupiter was much higher this year at near 49 degrees peak. It will be even higher in 2023. In South West PA this makes for better…
Equipment used Telescope: Celestron 11″ EdgeHDObservatory: NexDomeMount: iOptron Cem120PC: Canyon I7 Mini PCOag: CelestronOAG Guidecam Asi174mm miniFocuser: Rigel nStepCamera: Asi294mc ProFilter drawer: StarizonaFilter: L-Pro 2″ (mostly) Reducer: Celestron F7 Integration time: 15.45 hoursDistance: 22-25 million light years awayMagnitude: 8.4Size: 135,000…
This is the Crescent Nebula, also known as NGC 6888. It’s is a fun and fantastic target that I worked on this year from June through early August 2021. I took 22 hours of integrations at F7 and another 8…
Back in March and the first few days of April I took a break from deep space astrophotography to take some shots of the moon. Here are those resultant images and a video summary of the tools used to make…
This Galaxy season I decided to try to fine tune my OAG setup. This year I would also replace the ZWO Mini filter wheel with the Starizona Filter Drawer which can handle 2″ filters. In this video I show the…
I made a quick tutorial video on Photographing and processing the Orion Nebula (M42). I dont go into great detail on the processing steps, aside from exactly what I did to go from the beginning to the end. I used…
The data for this video/target goes back to November 2020. A little late but better than never. I gathered around 12.4 hours of data on the Heart Nebula. In this video/article I also outline the differences between using 1.25″ and…
Earlier in the year I began experimenting with the Celestron Off Axis Guider (OAG) and in the end the results paid off, though it took some doing. I eventually switched guide camera’s from the 290mm mini to the 174mm mini…
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