I touched on the meridian flip issue I was having with Nina briefly in one of my videos. But as of now, I’ve managed to resolve the issue. This article is just to show what settings i’m using in both the iOptron Commander and in Nina.
I was having issues where if i had the iOptron panel set to zero degrees past meridian and tried to do the flip in Nina, iOptron would report slew failed “target exceeds limit” (0).
The fix was to set the iOptron panel to stop or flip AFTER meridian. In my case I now have it at 5 degrees after meridian (that is about 20 minutes to that point, in terms of how much time I have to work with).

Then in Nina I set the mount to flip 4 minutes after meridian. This could probably be increased to 10 (ideally 10-15 mins after meridian). I have to visually make sure the USB wires aren’t too close to the pier plate at that point and 4 minutes works well, and there is no longer an iOptron panel error when it does the flip. I will probably monitor things and try to slowly extend that out to about 10 minutes if possible, maximize meridian imaging.