Tag: celestron

The Celestron OAG with the EdgeHD 11 SCT and a few Galaxies (Videos)
Earlier in the year I began experimenting with the Celestron Off Axis Guider (OAG) and in the end the results paid off, though it took some doing. I eventually switched guide camera’s from the 290mm mini to the 174mm mini…
Jupiter, Saturn and Mars through my Edge 11 Telescope (Video)
I recently created a video for YouTube outlining my process of capturing Jupiter, Saturn and Mars, at least as it stood in mid 2020. Since then I’ve also added some more parts to the mix, such as the Advanced Barlow,…
NexDome Software Operations Walk-Through and NINA Overview (Video)
Operating a dome / observatory can involve quite a few pieces of software to tie it all together. With the NexDome, this article and more so in the video, I outline how I run things. In the video I show…
NexDome Suburban Observatory Build Log (Video)
This is an outline of everything i did to complete the build of the Nexdome observatory, now called “The Orion Observatory” in my suburban home location. Its a bit long but hopefully detailed enough to assist others in this type…
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