Earlier in the year I began experimenting with the Celestron Off Axis Guider (OAG) and in the end the results paid off, though it took some doing. I eventually switched guide camera’s from the 290mm mini to the 174mm mini and this made a world of a difference for finding guide stars.
The video below outlines the details of how I ended up with the final arrangement and what those measurements ended up at.
I had to experiment with spacers both before and after the guide camera. In the end it was the Blue Fireball 1″ SCT adapter between the OAG and the camera that worked best along with a 16.5mm Zwo spacer between the OAG and telescope.
Here is the video outlining these details, along with some shots of a few galaxies I took at both F10 and F7.
Galaxies (better quality ones in the gallery)
Sunflower Galaxy M63 (taken April 2020), F10 102 mins, 180sec subs, Lpro Filter, Asi294mc pro; Distance from Earth: 27 million light years.

Sunflower Galaxy (range April to June), F10 now at 14.2 hours of data, Lpro, Asi294mc pro

Bode’s Galaxy M81, F7, 11 hours (IR cut and L-Pro), Asi294mc pro, Distance from Earth: 12 million light years